Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It's been a while. I have to get myself together and publish a little more often. I have been sick this winter. Several flu bugs back to back.

Then my knee acted up again. That is very unusual. Also have to get to the dentist and my regular physician. BP way to high. Also need to loose weight. God, going to "hell in a hand basket". Anybody tell me where that comes from?.

OK, I will keep myself posted on what I can accomplish. I feel better already.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Trying to get it together

Still trying to get here more often. All is well a surprise birthday party for a good friend tonight. Might be lots of fun. I will post more about it tomorrow. Now its back to the grind and I have lots to do before I can party. Bye.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A note from work

Like many other days. I enjoy being here and will try to post news from my job. A little about what I do and those that I do it for.